Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

What Does Desire Have to Do With Business?

I bet you are a little curious how desire has anything to do with business. Desire is the starting point of all the things we want in our lives. Desire comes about in the form of wanting more; more in your life, more in your finances, more in your relationships, more in your career. Simply more! That is the starting point. Your hearts desire.
Let me put it a little simpler. I always ask my clients what they want from their business or life. The standard response is "I don't know". I always say "Yes, you do". A lot of the time no one has asked them before so they haven't really thought about it. Sometimes I get a response about wanting financial freedom, wealth, a new car, a new house, things like that. All of this is all perfectly fine. I want you to go deeper and look at the desire that lies in your heart.
That is exactly what I want to speak to you about your hearts desire-your true desire.
We all have it. It's inside of you. It's the conversations you have with yourself inside your head. You play as if it were a movie "What a Wonderful Life" - "Your Wonderful Life". This life in your head has no boundaries, no ridicule, no judgment, no money attached to it and no obstacles attached, it just is.
We don't speak about it for fear of what others will think about what we want, that others will think we are crazy or what you want is impossible to do. I want to tell you it is your right to want what ever it is that you want.
For me, my desire began when I was working for a successful Financial Advisor. I knew I wanted more. I began getting restless; I began having anxiety, and soon becoming physically ill. I knew I wanted more out my life.
To live my true hearts desire I had to leave my JOB. I knew I wanted to teach, encourage and help people, to do exactly what I am doing now. I also knew that I had to leave my job. I didn't know how I was going to do this or what was coming next. It didn't matter to me. Once I got really clear about what I really wanted all the opportunities came flowing in.
I want you to get honest with yourself and answer this question "What do I really want". You don't have to tell me, your partner, your friend, you don't have to tell anyone. The only person who needs to really know this is YOU. You owe it to yourself to be honest with yourself.
You have the right to want and have anything that you want. It's not wrong to want what want.
We tend to get comfortable in the life we are living and we just start tolerating all the stuff we really don't like. That is not living. That is suffering.
Take a few moments and answer the following questions. Write them down. You don't have to show them to anyone.
1. Ask yourself if you understand your true desire.
2. Now take out all the judgment, obstacles and money. Answer #1 again. Can you see the difference?
3. What would I have to believe to begin taking action on this desire right now?
4. Is your life filled with things you desire or tolerate?
The first time I answered this questions it touched me deeply and yes, I cried. I had finally admitted to myself what I really and truly wanted. What was in my hearts desire.
Until Next time...
Loretta Morrison has worked with many business owners across Canada as well as globally. Loretta specializes in teaching her clients where they stop in their business while showing them how to increase their revenue up to 50%, or more. Loretta knows the challenges of building a successful business and exactly what it takes to build a successful thriving business. With the right guidance, tools and support it can be simple and easy. Loretta teaches her clients...
• How to consistently attract their own ideal clients
• How to create more revenue in their business
• How to successfully sell their products and services authentically
• How to charge what you are worth and get it.
• And much, much more
...all while having all the free time you want
If you need more clients, visit: http://www.goldenkeycoaching.com for free articles, compelling client testimonials and info on private coaching

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6741472

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